Monday, March 5, 2012

Greening program

This is what I did with my colleagues last Saturday. Greening program in my office gardens. Holiday though, it was time for us to take rest, spend time with our family and do other household chores. Yet we initiated, proposed and maintained our office gardens.

We bought organic manure and added it in the gardens, and also protected the tree plants with bamboo fence. This is a good opportunity though. In Thimphu, most people live in hired apartments. And even to get a parking space is difficult; keep aside the talk of getting the share of your gardens.
So to maintain your office gardens is your best alternative. And of course, it’s always good to work in the gardens, to take in green. It’ll also reduce your office gardeners’ workload.

I tell you, this is the right time (beginning of spring) to maintain your gardens as the flowers are about to bud. So when you loosen the soil and add manure, your flower gardens will grow colourful, attractive. And you don’t feel like bunking from your office by 3 pm or as soon as your bosses leave.      
A bag of this manure costs Nu 110 

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You are really an active participant :)
    I hope this hardwork brings out a beautiful flowers with the seasons to come.
