Saturday, January 11, 2014

To spend time with my beloved ones

I am here in Chuzargang on a month long holiday.  A little village, it's a full two hours walk from Gelephu. It's a special place, and so are its people, at least to me. For, it's the place where my patents live.  For, it's the place where I was born, attended school and grew up.

So this year, this fresh year, I feel the urgent need to spend a small time with my patents and my beloved ones. The world is fragile, I believe. All we have is who we have. When I am with my own patents and siblings, standing close, it feels way better and safe.  More importantly, it makes our life much simpler and wonderful, the one that we can't find elsewhere.

By the way, I am blogging using my phone. It's very slow and difficult, but I am loving it. 


  1. Enjoy your time with your parents and siblings coz there is not time better than the quiet moment spent with people you care and the place where you had grown from toddler to what you are now. I have just returned from my native place a couple of days ago and I know how blessed one can feel just being with parents and siblings....

  2. I am doing the same, spending time with my grandfather. I wish you a nice stay and a safe return.
