About this Blog

My college friend, Kama, is the first person who introduced me to blogging. It was in 2008 and we just graduated from Sherubtse College. He showed me a handful blogs of Bhutanese: Sogyel, Passu and Penstar. I instantly loved the way these bloggers have maintained their sites; more importantly, they used to write beautifully.
Simply speaking, I can’t tell you how much their blogs and words captivated me. I instantly adored the idea that I too can make a difference with my online presence. I want one such blog, I desired.
I believe, then, only a small section of Bhutanese (even less than a hundred) started writing online. They were pioneer bloggers of Bhutan; however, many were just experimenting with maintaining an online journal. Most of them were on blogspot.com and used the sphere for sharing their stories, opinions and daily activities. 
However, it was only in July 2010 that I could create my own blog. Yes, this blog. A blogger friend of mine helped creating it (pink background) for me. Initially, I named it, “My reminiscences” because I began writing about my childhood and college experience. Later on, I called it, “Mostly about youth” since I joined the office of Department of Youth and Sports and wrote mostly about youth issues.  

After 2011 I wrote particularly for myself and for a few close friends of mine. I was, then, going through a difficult phase of my life. And writing for me was the only outlet, it was healing too. Simply speaking, I was alone most of the time, I was writing often.
To my own surprise, it helped me to discover fresh wisdom and better understanding of life by delving into different circumstances and exploring my own feelings and imaginations. The practice of writing here, on my blog, has deeply changed the way I relate to and engage with the world and people around me.   
It sumptuously healed my wounded spirits. I felt that I have discovered a greater talent for joy, a larger embrace of life and most eloquently, I started finding beauty. That’s why in 2012 again I changed the name of my blog. It is “Finding beauty in everyday life”.
After that, beauty has been the heartbeat of my writing, running through every post of my blog. Also, it has been running through my own life. My blog, my words largely talk about the beauty that spreads around me, about the good things, and of hope.  
In the meantime, I started taking photography seriously. I frequently upload my photographs here to supplement writing and to add beauty to my blog, my life.

In recent time, I have named my blog to "Writing to remember, to be remembered". For, I write mostly to remember all the important moments of my life, and also to be remembered through my stories. 
During the first Bloggers Conference in September 2015
Now, it’s been almost a decade of blogging and it’s hard for me to imagine my life without this site. It has a tight claim on my heart. Today what stands out for me is this blogging journey that I have been privileged to take, the community of blogger friends that I have found and kept, and the posts I have written.
Many of my friends, colleagues and followers wanted me to try to do some real writing outside of this blog. Of which, I am still pondering. Most importantly, this blog reached me to an audience with my beloved King and Queen at the Lingkana Palace; it was the happiest moment of my life.
Audience with His Majesty the King of Bhutan
Through writing, I have always revealed something about myself. Sometimes, I have dug deep into my old wounds and become emotional and weepy. Other times, I have become bitter and sarcastic. I have also exposed my weakness and vulnerability. But oftentimes, I have stood optimistic and positive, writing about beauty and celebrating life.
Well, my blog is all about this. And, in the looking, I find my whole life in it. 


  1. You're such a wonderful acho, Riku.

  2. Your words inspires youths to move on

  3. Insightful content! Engaging and concise. Looking forward to more posts! Social Cali - San Diego
