
Over the years, I have written extensively. Some of my writings have been featured in different platforms, which are listed as:
  1. Co-author of 'Online teaching during the covid-19 pandemic: How do High School students describe their attitude towards e-learning in Bhutanese classroom?' on the i-Manager's Journal on School Educational Technology. 
  2. Co-author of In Love with Butterflies and Other Stories, a book published in 2019
  3. Writer for Media Studies Curriculum Textbook for Class XI, edition 2020, published by Royal Education Council
  4. Writer for Media Studies Curriculum Textbook for Class XII, edition 2021, published by Royal Education Council
  5. The Common Culture that Unites Us All, an article published in the Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy's publication of "More than Just a Vote: Perspectives on Citizenship in Bhutan's Young Democracy"
  6. Freelance Writer/Contributor for Bhutan Times, a private national newspaper 

In Love with Butterflies - cover design

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