Friday, March 9, 2012

The year's at the spring

The naked earth is warm with Spring,
And with green grass and bursting trees
Leans to the sun's kiss glorying,
And quivers in the sunny breeze.
                                             ~Julian Grenfell

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It’s your day!

You can do almost anything your mind wishes to…
You can swim the deepest ocean
And climb the highest peak.
Be a doctor or fly a plane.
You can face adversity and still walk tall.
You are strong, beautiful, and compassionate
And much more than words could ever say!
Today is yours and so is every other day.
Happy Women’s Day!
                                                                               Anon author

So, dear friends (women), jump out from your busy schedule, free yourself from the stressful life, have fun and do whatever your heart says. Because today is your day!
Have a wonderful Women’s Day!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On students’ packed lunches

Schools in Bhutan have already resumed their new academic year. It’s always very encouraging to see students carrying lunchboxes to their schools. The education ministry and all schools would be applauded for such initiative. However, the content of foods in their packed lunches is not so encouraging. 

And we are what we eat. Most students’ packed lunches contain typically fat-rich traditional Bhutanese foods (higher in saturated fat, sugar and salt and often contain packaged noodles). These foods are, not at all, helping to encourage healthy diet that is so important for children’s health and future. More dishearteningly, parents are failing to put enough fruit and vegetables into their children’s packed lunches.

I know it it’s difficult for parents to control what their children eat. But, our parents can influence what is in their packed lunches. A few months back, I had a brief meeting with a Japanese nutritionist at JDWNRH. She told me that it’s very important to ensure children’s packed lunches always contain some portion of fruits and vegetables.

According to the nutritionist, fruits and vegetables fall under protective foods group that contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that help protect your children from diseases. Also, they boost your children’s intelligence and energy level and control their weight.

P.S.  Pass across this message to all parents. Thank you!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Greening program

This is what I did with my colleagues last Saturday. Greening program in my office gardens. Holiday though, it was time for us to take rest, spend time with our family and do other household chores. Yet we initiated, proposed and maintained our office gardens.

We bought organic manure and added it in the gardens, and also protected the tree plants with bamboo fence. This is a good opportunity though. In Thimphu, most people live in hired apartments. And even to get a parking space is difficult; keep aside the talk of getting the share of your gardens.
So to maintain your office gardens is your best alternative. And of course, it’s always good to work in the gardens, to take in green. It’ll also reduce your office gardeners’ workload.

I tell you, this is the right time (beginning of spring) to maintain your gardens as the flowers are about to bud. So when you loosen the soil and add manure, your flower gardens will grow colourful, attractive. And you don’t feel like bunking from your office by 3 pm or as soon as your bosses leave.      
A bag of this manure costs Nu 110 

Friday, March 2, 2012


After a couple of days of thick, grievous rain, I sense spring is here. And what a perfect moment to experience it! Weekend is here, ah. I’d certainly gang up with my friends; go out for coffee in the town-out in the open, under warm sun.  

Photo courtesy: Tashi Namgay

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wearing it with dignity

Gho and kira are the essence of our national identity. We wear it with love and pride. However, we see around many chilips wearing gho and kira enthusiastically. Some wear it good, perhaps their hosts would be helping them wearing it, beautiful. But we see others wearing it so disgracefully (like in the picture below). But don't you think it's the duty of every Bhutanese citizen to ensure that your guests or chilip friends wearing our costume properly, with dignity?
Indeed, it's the moral responsibility of this Bhutanese man walking next to chilip to help the foreigner wearing his gho properly.

Photo: Chencho Thinley

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This is what I've been drinking since my childhood. Tongpa. Strong bangchang in it. I'm from Gelephu. In every festival or celebration, we offer our guests with tongpa. In a big celebration like wedding where there will be a huge number of guests, you'll be offered tongpa in bamboo containers.

Adding hot water in the tongpa containers:

Stock of bangchang for tongpa:

This is how bangchang is prepared during wedding:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Youth of Bhutan need their ministry

I’m a youth worker. I work with the only government organization (Department of Youth and Sports) that looks after youth concerns in Bhutan. Despite the department’s continued efforts addressing youth concerns (in collaboration with other youth-related agencies), we are, by each passing day faced with huge and more challenging youth problems. Now, I’d confess that youth problems in Bhutan have become beyond our control. And we lack both technical and manpower capacity to address the current youth concerns.   

However, let’s not forget all this. The police department and BNCA are doing all in their power to curb youth problems. The Gyalpoi Zimpoen’s Office has been initiating many youth programmes all over Bhutan to engage youth meaningfully and impart them with life skills. Other youth-related NGOs are also providing necessary facilities and services, and organizing youth programmes for our youth. 

And there are a few individuals who work altruistically for youth in Bhutan. One such person is Lam Shenphen. He gathers youth abusing drugs, provide them necessary counseling and refer them for detoxification.

Tashi Namgay, the founder of Bhutan Kidney Association, is another individual who walks extra mile for the young people of Bhutan. When I visited his place last year, I was surprised to see four young boys (drug abusers) in his house. Tashi keeps these young unemployed addicts with him, in his house, under strict supervision and counseling. There are also other dozen of recovering addicts under his care and supervision. Tashi has attached most of these young addicts as intern, volunteer and part time worker in different organizations and business firms. Some, under his guidance and supports, are gainfully employed.
But now, due to increasing social problems (disintegration of family values, divorce, rural-urban migration, westernization and materialism, negative impact of social media, availability of drugs and gang culture) in Bhutan, youth are left vulnerable, indulging in all sorts of social ills.

And only a few individuals, one youth department and a few youth-related agencies are never enough to solve the current problems of youth in Bhutan. Moreover, the ministry of education is designed more towards school education and curriculums. So looking at youth population (50 percent of Bhutan’s population) and increasing youth problems, there’s immediate requirement of Ministry of Youth (or, at least, ministry for social problems) to address youth problems. With their own ministry, youth’s problems will be addressed through multi-pronged strategies, with more trained professionals and technical resources.  
 Photos: Hiromi