Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Tower

One thing that is exceptionally grandiose about Sherubtse College in Kanglung is its tower. Tall, giant and handsome, it stands absolutely majestic and alluring. Every time I visit here, its sight gives me an eerily gothic feeling, yet beautifully enchanting one. And I think of those fairytales I had read during my childhood - of Rapunzel, of Cindrella.

How mesmerizing! How bewitching!

This is one reason that this college in the far east is so engraved in my heart, and I am quite sure nothing can erase those memories spent, made in the “Peak of Learning”.

So after 10 years, I could make it to the college again and this time I am lucky that I got more time to stay here. Here are some photographs of the tower I took.

Pic: The Tower against the full moon
Pic: As the college football field undergoing artificial turfing, basketball seems main athletic event
And the college's magazine is called "The Tower"

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Trashigang through my digital lens

Trashigang Town
Woesel Choling Monastery in Rangjung: Blessed to see it again and again
Yonphula: The place I started loving after I listened to "Yonphula ley eto meto" song by Misty Terrace
Wamrong Town
Khaling: One of the most beautiful valleys in Bhutan
Almost an entire valley of empty beer bottles. Sharchops can really drink
A brokpa lady: Brokpas come lower hills of Trashigang with their cattle during winter

Sherubtse College: The college that produced most of the Bhutanese high officials in the govt., corporation and business
Sports complex: A place where most youth spend their leisure time
Changjiji colony: There really is a place called Changjiji complex in Trashigang
Surprisingly, you get to watch wonderful sunsets in Trashigang